discover your purpose

3 questions to discover your purpose | My perfect job

Do you know what your purpose is? I didn’t. I had a feeling, but I could not accurately describe it. Until recently. Therefore, I am going to show you three questions you can use to discover your own purpose.

The end of a year is always a good time to reflect and look ahead into what’s to come. These 3 questions helped me to get a clearer picture of what I’m striving for.

Why discover your purpose?

Why would you want to discover your purpose? This question is highly individual, and you need to answer it for yourself, but I can tell you why it was important to me. My dream is to create my perfect job around what this blog is about. Working on motorcycles, building custom bikes as well as riding bikes and sharing all that with you.
I used these 3 questions to determine my personal and my future brand’s purpose. I know why I want to build the BMW R80 custom bike but how do I build a business around my passion?

Today I started a very interesting course by Dot Lung called “Instagram Strategies for Business Growth”. It’s on Doměstika, which I think is a new (or maybe I just don’t know it) online course platform.

What should my brand stand for?

Since I’m fairly new to the whole social media game, I still need to figure out what I really want my brand / account to stand for. That was also one of the first tasks in the course and I thought I would quickly share that with you. I want to get this more or less dialled in before I start my YouTube channel with the BMW build. And yeah, I know…it probably will change over time, but this will help me as a guideline.

Three questions to define your purpose

These are the three questions to define your purpose:

  1. What do you do?
  2. How do you do it?
  3. Why do you do it?

So, here are my answers to the questions:

What do I do?

I document how I build custom bikes, work on motorcycles, and ride them.

How do I do it?

I do it without a lot of prior knowledge, basically learning everything along the way without being afraid of mistakes. I want to make it as relatable as possible. And…I do it with a lot of commitment and passion.

Why do I do it?

I don’t want to work in a “normal” job. Instead, I want to create the perfect job for myself. Along the way I want to inspire whoever wants to be inspired to do the same. And this is what it should consist of:

  • learning new things
  • being creative
  • working with my hands
  • riding bikes
  • not being tied to an office
  • and most importantly doing what I love

And that is also what I want to share with you and what my channel should ultimately stand for. I know that it will be a process but who said it would be quick?

I hope you also find your purpose

These three questions really helped defining my brand’s purpose and getting a clear vision of what I want to create. I hope that you can also find your purpose if you’re looking for it. Maybe these will also help you. It’s definitely worth a try.

As Jared Leto said:

Try and fail, but never fail to try.

With this, I wish you an awesome start into 2021! I believe in you – Wrench On!

Day 32 of 121

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Courses I Can Recommend

Learn how to TIG weld with The Best TIG Welding Course.
I have used this online course to learn TIG welding and was amazed by the results. Click here to learn more.

If you want to learn more about the basics of fabrication, wiring, and welding check out the HPA Fabrication Courses and get $50 off of your first course.

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